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Senior Feature: Louden Christie

Today’s Senior Feature is Louden Christie! Louden is to graduate this year from South High School. During his time at South Louden has participated in numerous clubs including Student Council, Newman Club, and German Club (and maybe some others that he forgot to attend). Louden has also been a student athlete, playing tennis and lettering in cross country and track. His favorite memories from high school include hanging out with his close friends in the school parking lot and the Cannon Games. Outside of his South memories, Louden’s favorite times have been making friends with people from other schools during the pandemic. Given what the past year has been like, Louden is unsure what his plans are after high school. He feels that the pandemic has made his age group unsure of their futures. Nevertheless, Louden plans to go away to college and see what things are like outside of Pueblo. For his future career, Louden can see himself working real estate in a large city. He is also interested in working behind the scenes as a director in broadcasting or films. Louden’s senior quote is “It’s all fun and games until senior year!”. For his favorite class, Louden couldn’t decide between Freshman Seminar or Health class but ultimately decided that his favorite class is the Class of 2021!

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