
Your Hometown Pediatrician
Keeping Pueblo's Families Healthy

Steel City Pediatrics is Here for You
Congratulations on your growing family! As you prepare for your baby’s arrival, here’s what you need to know to ensure a smooth transition to pediatric care with Steel City Pediatrics:
Let the Hospital Know – When registering at the hospital, inform them that Steel City Pediatrics will be caring for your baby after birth.
After Birth – Once your baby arrives, remind the hospital staff that we are your chosen pediatricians. We will see your baby for their first visit two days after discharge from the hospital.
Circumcision Requests – If you would like Dr. Simony to perform your baby boy’s circumcision in our office, please inform the hospital at birth. When you call to schedule your baby’s first appointment, mention the circumcision request so we can arrange both visits accordingly. Click here for more information on newborn circumcisions.
We look forward to meeting your little one and supporting your family every step of the way.
Welcome to the Steel City Pediatrics family!